product branding

Having a strong brand that can achieve iconic status is very much part of what's required for sustainable growth


The branding required a more modern feel and greater emphasis paid to the company name - Maximuscle. 

The product names 'Promax', 'Cyclone' and others were given clear standout as well as strong colour coding to make brand navigation easier.

upbeat logo.jpg


This was development from a blank sheet of paper - no company name and no brand name. The Good Whey Co. was developed to convey quality and heritage and Upbeat became the brand to convey the feeling the product can give the consumer. The brand icon helped to give the brand standout on shelf and was validated with quantitative market research.


Once the target consumer had been defined - women 18-30 - we set about developing a brand identity that had stature, clarity and memorability.

The result is powerful and attractive.